Sunday 31 March 2013

Learning About SizeGenetics for Penis Enlargement

Over the past few years, penis enlargement techniques have faced much criticism. While some attribute this to the utter ineffectiveness of these methods, these assumptions are mostly due to the number of scams out there. The general eagerness about increasing the size of the male genitalia has been exploited and several people have been lured into futile scams. However, this does not mean that there are no genuine products available out there. In fact, SizeGenetics is one that has been around for about two decades and has been used by several men.

Because of the methodologies used by this device, it is often met with skepticism. However, what most people do not know is that these methodologies are in accordance with scientific research and have medically been proven to be effective. The device is used by attaching it with the penis, where it causes a gentle pressure. The tension caused by this gentle pulling action leads to the cells being duplicated, which leads to an extension in the size of the organ. While this technique is often considered absurd, it must be kept in mind that limb stretching methods have been around for several decades. They took birth from various cultures, where they were used to increase the effectiveness of stunted growth. Limb stretching therapy has been helping several people with unequal or stunted limbs. This is where the idea for SizeGenetics is known to have come from.
Obviously, you would have rightful concerns about wearing an external device on your genitalia. However, the device comes with a comfort strap, which means that there are sixteen different ways to wear it on your penis. This can ensure that you do not have to go through any discomfort or injury while using it. Also, a major reason the device can be trusted is the fact that it is not new but is actually used by several penis enlargement surgeons as a complimentary technique. This shows how it is medically considered reliable and can be used without much apprehension.
Also, several people assume that SizeGenetics is merely for seeing an increase in the size of the penis. However, wearing the device can actually bring several other benefits. For one, it can straighten out the natural curves you may have in your genitalia. If you have any other concerns about the effectiveness or the reliability of the device, you can read up a clinical study that has been published about it. The study revolves around the long term effects the device had on different men. It also discusses its effectiveness in detail.
While it is true that using SizeGenetics can increase the size of your penis by several inches, there are several factors that you need to consider before buying it. This is because several individual preferences may affect your choice. For one, you need to understand that this is a long term solution and it will not be possible to see overnight results. This means that you must be prepared to wear the device every day for several months. Unless you are prepared to do this, you might fail to see positive results. Also, you must understand that wearing the device is not all that needs to be done. You will need to put in some effort in order to make sure that you get the best results. For example, you must be prepared to do regular stretching exercises. This is something that will accelerate the process and will help you reach your desired length faster.
All in all, SizeGenetics can genuinely help you as long as you use it the right way. You must also make sure that you buy the genuine product, so as to benefit from the investment.

Saturday 23 March 2013

The Little Known Secrets of Libido Enhancement For Men - Testosterone Tablets

By Samuel Caddick 

The herbal testosterone tablets that are available in the market these days are very popular for the reason that they are inexpensive and side effect free. They work miracles in males, boosting their testosterone levels, increasing their libido.
With the onset of midlife, a man experiences many signs of what is known as the male menopause - andropause. The male hormone - testosterone, is responsible for the male characteristics like facial hair, deepening of the voice, etc. A decrease in the testosterone levels is seen after the age of 30 in human males. Andropause, coupled with the natural decrease of testosterone levels in the body, is responsible for many effects on the human body like fatigue, lack of sex drive, loss of lean muscle mass, lack of energy, erectile dysfunction, etc. These undesirable effects can be overcome with the usage of testosterone tablets.
The male bodily testosterone levels may be increased by natural means like exercising regularly, getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep daily, keeping stress levels low, swimming, the intake of omega 3 fatty acids, etc. The other way is to consume testosterone artificially - through pills and supplements. Most men opt for these artificial means to increase testosterone levels in their body, and thereby, have a healthy, reinvigorated sex life. Artificial testosterone intake is done through many methods. Some are through injections, testosterone tablets, patches, creams, etc.

Testosterone tablets are of two types - herbal or natural pills and chemical or prescription ones. Most the side effects caused by the non-herbal testosterone pills like headaches, acne, testicular atrophy, erratic mood swings, aggression, bloating, etc. These natural testosterone boosters are made from ancient herbs like Catuaba Bark, Macuna Pruriens, Rhodiola Rosea, Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali Extract, etc. are side effect free.
The system for the intake of these testosterone tablets is a carefully monitored cycle, where a man can choose any seven of the available herbal testosterone enhancement pills and take them regularly according to a schedule. He takes one tablet a day, and does not consume it for at least another week. The reason for waiting another week for the next herb dose is that the body develops a tolerance to the herbal testosterone pill. So a one-tablet-a-day-policy is usually followed. It is important that the cycle is not broken for the best results.
These natural testosterone tablets have worked wonders for many men of all ages. It is important that a man's sex life is good and the natural enhancement pills are an excellent choice for them to do achieve this. These pills are the best alternative to the other forms of testosterone enhancements, especially since they are side effect free and inexpensive.